Saturday, June 04, 2005

Highs and Lows of the Times

The first report indicated Lorne Mayencourt had the the Vancouver-Burrard riding by 13 votes. Over the next day or two after the election came news that Tim Stevenson had won by the same number over Lorne Mayencourt, but this was without the 1800 absentee votes. Then came the bumpy crash to the roller coaster ride, Lorne Mayencourt has won the riding by 18 votes!

In a news report on CTV, Tim Stevenson said he had never experienced anything like it. On a few occasions his family told him to go out for a walk because of the tension and suspense. But I can honestly say my heart sank when I heard the news. If anyone tells me their vote doesn't count, I will remember this election and re-examine the intellect of the person I am talking to at the time. We, still, have to contend with Lorne Mayencourt. Perhaps, now is the time we should all change our tack with the MLA. Let's really hold his feet to the fire. He has stated he will resign if the Liberal government allows the move of St. Paul's Hospital!

On another front, I have been feeling disenchanted with Wings Housing Society. Wings Housing operates subsidized housing for persons with HIV/AIDS. Over the last year, there have been problems in the building with crystal meth and connected with that problem is the practice of letting everyone into the building and not taking responsibilty for them. There have been street folk lined up at the back and / or the front door who have at times been aggressive about wanting to get into the building. We have had drug deals, apartments filled with garbage collected from the dumpsters in the area and noise problems. The carpet in the elevator had to be taken up because someone had pissed on it. Now, you can notice the spit and other substance caked to the floor!

These problems have been made even worse by the non-action of the Executive Director to take expeditious action to evict the offending persons. It took months and still there are people in the building willing to put our security at risk. The Board of Directors have not held an Annual General Meeting since 2002! I haven't any idea about how procedures and policies have been maintained or developed and it feels like the Board is not very involved in the on-going issues in the building. My partner and I take great care in looking after our health and we have created a safe and cozy refuge in what at times seems to be a noisy and chaotic downtown core. We struggle with energy and continual chronic fatigue, so our home is important to us! We love our apartment and we have some wonderful neighbours, so I am very annnoyed by the goings-on in the building.

I have decided to let go and see what happens, but I am hoping for some real changes both in Lorne Mayencourt and in the managment style of Wings Housing Society at the Bonaventure Building.

I am the faerieshaman.....blessing you.......


Blogger ricky said...

Good Luck with your quest to have Lorne look into the problems. He has a second chance, lets hope he uses it wisely.

Not holding my breath, just hoping!

2:19 AM  

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