Friday, May 20, 2005

Gay and Non-Gay: It is a matter of perspective

I read today in the Book, Golden Men: Gay Men at Mid-Life, it is better ot use the terms "gay and non-gay" in reference to differences in society. The change in reference point moves the empahsis from the majority straight population to the more cultural-centric position of the gay person.

As a gay man, this makes sense to me. I understand the world and interpret my life experiences from the vantage point of my orientation. It does not help me to always pesuppose my experience as that which is not standard or "normal." Being gay is as normal as being non-gay! Gay people share similarities and differences arising out of our worldview and our personal experiences as members of a society that values same sex expression of affection.

This is just a few words for thought......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would probably love this song we (the Vancovuer Lesbian & Gay Choir) did as a second encore tonight (June 18, 2005): "Some of my best friends are straight!"

12:47 AM  

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