Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Don't Tell me NOT to Vote for the Greens!

Suddenly, my indifference to Carole James has turned to dislike. I caught a news clip showing the leader of the NDP telling folks to not vote Green, but to vote for the NDP if they don't want the Liberals.

I am sorry, Carole, I would appreciate it much more if you would continue to tell folks why they should vote for the NDP. I do remember, it was the NDP who started a system of home inspections for people on GAIN or social asisstance back in the mid 1990s!

I find it repulsive for any politician of any stripe to tell me to vote for them because that is the only way my vote counts! My vote always counts. I vote! The Greens have been becoming more and more attractive to me......in the Vancovuer Burrard riding, we have a gay man running for the Green Party and he offers something the NDP don't...... a policy book that is radically different from the same old, same old...... I do not want another government who would treat me the same as the Liberals only softer! I want a government and a party that will respect my needs as someone who lives on a low income and needs help from time to time without stigmatizing me or making me feel like I am asking for special consideration and then treat me like I am not deserving!

I like the Guaranteed Livable Income on page 22 of the Green Book. Now that is something to vote for! Also, any income earned is allowable up to the GLI !

Just think if it wasn't for Carole James, I wouldn't have looked at the Green book to find out what I needed to vote for!

Get out on May 17th and vote......and vote for what you need not what a party is willing to offer! Vote for the party that fits your need or personality etc.....but vote...in fact. I believe it should be the law that a person votes. Everyone enjoys the life under the system in place, the one obligation should be the duty to vote on an election day! Please take this under advisement and not an order......but please vote!


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