Forgiving My Father!
Last night, I watched a documentary on CBC which graphically portrayed the liberation of Holland by Canadian troops. The programme used actual film footage as well as some re-enactment scenes. It gave a sombre and realistic impression of what the Canadian soldiers were up against in the wet and open terrain, outnumbered almost one to every 2-3 Nazi Soldiers.
I felt a flood of forgiveness for my father! My father had physically abused me as a child. I remember him for his, at times, unrelenting and horrific temper. But all of a sudden, I understood. My father landed with the Allies on June 6th 1944 at Juno Beach and made his way with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corp into Holland. He was very proud of his country and the part, he played in the liberation of Holland.
Today, I am walking tall, and that is no "short order", for a man who stands 5'5" Let's remember the gift we have in this nation of queer and straight families. Do not let any politician squander the richness of our heritage and make a mockery of the sacrifice of Canada's generation of service. Let's do our part......
From the Faerieshaman
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