Religion vs Spirtuality: A Queer Perspective
Religion teaches us to look to a G-d beyond us. Historically and in the orthodox traditions G-d is male and re-inforces the place of the male in the power structure. These traditions overlook the feminne aspect of G-d which is also available in the Hebrew Scriptures. Most importantly, though, our inherited traditions teach us to look outside of ourselves to find direction and the divine; at least, this is empahsized to the cost of our won empowerment.
Spirituality is "the inward life" which is discovered during the night of the dark soul. New Age spirituality is critiqued by religion because of this emphasis on the self and the inward centred divine which is in all things. Religious bodies dismiss New Age as narcissistic. This may be true as it corrects the imbalance on the outward dependence on G-d.
However, my queer intuition tells me it is not an either- or proposition but an and both necessity for us to have a healthy spiritual life. There are times when we need to ask "a G-d beyond" for help and there are times when we need to rely on "the I am responsible for my choices" inward divine spark. There are times in our lives when we play the victims and then, there are the glorious moments of enlightenment. The moment of self-discovery and liberation from outward authority built on our own sense of creativity and connection with the divine.
The trick is to know the difference between when we need support and we need to be active and feel in control. The greek meaning of the word religion comes from religio, meaning to connect and so perhaps, connecting our spirituality to religion is a necessity if that is the path we choose. Or, on the other hand, it may mean we must attach our religion to our spirituality. In this way, we are responsible for our own thinking and we halt deference to religious figures and leaders who are not consistent with the spiritual teachings of Jesus or the charismaic founders of their own path.
This gives Queers, like myself, an opportunity to engage religion and the less independent thinking religious leaders and their followers without reaction. Our truth relies on the strong centre of who we are and takes power away from their compassionless fear mongering hearts. They are the lost ones............
Blessings from the Faerieshaman
Hello fellow journeyman...
I have been through several "dark nights of the soul." But recently it seemed to get really dark, as I read St. John of the Cross... recently.
In my religious studies at Concordia and being a recovering Catholic trying to find my faith over and over again, i have found now, that it's not the building that i need but a far closer connection to "All the Is."
You know I very much like the Dao.
I, like you, have created this "Faith" that resides within. Following my heart and doing the right thing, and loving my husband and my fellows as Jesus would. I could care less what church leaders say about my life, marriage or faith.
It is in my religious education that i've broadend my horizons to search out truths from other faiths to augment my spiritual journey.
I agree with you 100%.
There are a few of us blogger on my blog list who are making our own faith paths. Keep up the sharing.
It's all about the journey.
thanks Jeremy,
I've been thinking of you!
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