Thursday, November 25, 2004

Coffee A Go Go: Making Connexions

I had coffee at Coffee A Go Go this morning at 829 Davie Street, here in Vancouver. While I was there, two guys came in for a coffee. They were visiting from Seattle. We had a great conversation! We talked about the way, governments and (in Vancovuer) Health Authorites make behind closed door decisions and then make it appear as though the community has been consulted!

Their case in point was a proposed mono-rail system like our skytrain and how it has been voted on by the public and approved and yet the powers that be drag their feet! It sounds familiar doesn't it? I mentioned how the plan to move St Paul's has been approved, but the Vancouver Health Authority prefers to deny that a final decsion has been made!

Our conversation ended, and then I struck up another friendly conversation with a guy visiting from Florida.....( a beautiful African American man, who made me moist! ) I was very friendly and gave out my contact info to all three guys and then I thought "is it risky" to be this open?

My first thought was "no." I don't want to be in place of fear or anxiety and it is exciting to be able to show others you are not afraid to really connect! I am letting go my phobia around being open and friendly, I believe it is the only way to change the community in which I live.

If only it means meeting someone else's eyes and smiling, it is worth doing. It means so much and if anything it lifts your mood, even if the other person is too busy to respond.

Be Blessed..........

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Queer / Gay Archetypes

Why are we gay? Is it just because we like to have sex with other guys? I hold the thought that we have always been present in all cultures and ages througout history. Likewise, I hold to the premise of an inner spiritual journey or progress of gender discernment as we experience life fully. Sex is a part of that experience! I love sex!

The fact that we exist and never die out, not a bad accomplishment for a group that does not partake easily in the breeding kind of sex! So, as Mark Thompson, an influential writer, has offered in his definition of essentialism: "there is an indwelling, archytypical basis for our being."

James Broughton, gifted poet, artist, filmaker and man gave some insight, in regards to archytypes:

We have killed off the gods with rational thought and sent our demons sreaming into our shadows, so we suffer from a great lack of meaning in our lives. I have found it valuable to personify the powers that operate within us the way the greeks did. Personify your symptoms and neurosis as gods. This makes them real and possible to undestand. Otherwise you only have symptoms and miseries. We are eaach of us a whole universe right here and now; we are each a god body. You can never have a full measure of psychic wholeness by denying, scoffing and doubting. (Gay Soul; Thompson, Mark, ed. 13)

Some thoughts for today...from the faerieshaman

Be Blessed

Monday, November 08, 2004

Lesson Learned!

I learned a valuable lesson today. I am not responsible for another persons anger or resentment if he/she has failed to express their feelings to me and give me a chance for explanation or possible reparation.

When I share "how I am truly feeling", it is the greatest sign of trust in another person and I am seeing the other person as an equal. Once I have forgiven myself, I release the grievance and forgive the other person.

The next step is the act of forgiving and then the reconciliation, but reconciliation is not dependant on the other person's offering forgiveness. It is in knowing, I have done my best to make amends and release the other person to make their own choice. I can only make the choices, commit the actions and offer what it in my control to offer.

The response, I have no control over. I do, however hope, for forgiveness, if not now, then later. But I release the expectation and take note of a lesson learned!

Be Blessed.....

Your Faerieshaman

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

God and Fuck Belong Together!

God and Fuck belong together
Both are sacred and profane
God (the Divine) a
dirty word used for damning
Fuck (the sublime) a
dirty term of depredation

God and Fuck are so much alike
they might be synonymous glories
I'd even go so far as to say
God is the Fuck of all Fucks
And the boy He has a Body
like you've never seen

from Special Deliveries by James Broughton
published by Broken Moon Press