Lesson Learned!
I learned a valuable lesson today. I am not responsible for another persons anger or resentment if he/she has failed to express their feelings to me and give me a chance for explanation or possible reparation.
When I share "how I am truly feeling", it is the greatest sign of trust in another person and I am seeing the other person as an equal. Once I have forgiven myself, I release the grievance and forgive the other person.
The next step is the act of forgiving and then the reconciliation, but reconciliation is not dependant on the other person's offering forgiveness. It is in knowing, I have done my best to make amends and release the other person to make their own choice. I can only make the choices, commit the actions and offer what it in my control to offer.
The response, I have no control over. I do, however hope, for forgiveness, if not now, then later. But I release the expectation and take note of a lesson learned!
Be Blessed.....
Your Faerieshaman
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