Monday, November 14, 2005

Self-restraint or Control of Others

Inherent power is the volition of self which creates health and well being. The virues of inherent power are self-awareness, self-esteem, sense of personal responsiblity as well as a capabilty ot respond to life situations rather than react.

Aggrandized power is exercised by those who want to control others. Most systems operate on aggrandized power and are anti-empowerment for others. The key is keep people in their place and let them know you have more power by demeaning them and exploiting their energies and talents.

Aggrandized power almost always fails when the group consensus challenges its authority. Look at all the great figures of the eras who had a sense of their own inherent power and worth. One person, even today, challenges systems and institutions Jesus Christ judges the church because the churches have given him the power. "Forgive them for they know not what they do."