Points to Ponder
I have to wonder. The Liberal party have brought disrepute upon themselves with the discovery of the Sponsorship Scandal and the revelatons from the Gomery Commission serve to show how business in this country follows the pattern of ENRON. The Liberals have failed the country and may have put us in jeopardy of losing our national reputation as a well run country. In fact, they have failed as a government to adhere to the BNA's pogg clause. ( Peace. order and good government)
The Conservatives, the party for and of big business, has failed us too! Instead of offering us a viable canadian alternative to repalce our government, Stephen Harper and crew would offer us more of the same big business back room deals. Only with the Conservatives, we will lose our country to the extreme right wing of the Republican dominated nation to the south of us!
The NDP have not had power in the Federal parliament and for the most part as an opposition party have come the closest to building a viable alternative to the Liberals. But we know big business, the freinds of the Liberals and the Conservatives would not accept Jack Layton as Prime Minister. This makes the idea of an NDP government extremely attractive to me!
The Bloc will no doubt collect a majority of the seats in Labelle province and bring us to another referendum. Who would you want to negogiate the "sovereignty association," the discredited Liberals or the big business Conservatives?
I suggest the NDP and a third option for a stronger canada, an association with Quebec based on future goals rather than past hurts and perceived bad dealings. Let's talk and create a new federation for all if us and dump the tories and the liberals......
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