Saturday, October 23, 2004

Recent Remarks by Muslim Cleric Despicable!

Why is it communities feel they do not need to take responsibilty for spokespeople who make a public statement?

I feel contempt for the outrageous statements made by the muslim cleric in Vancouver? Why is an outright call "to kill Jews" by this man being met with statements like " this is part of an on-going investigation." This type of hate filled sentiment is not welcome in the Canadian dialogue around difference and diversity! Put the man on the next flight out of the country! There is a difference between freedom of speech and incitement to kill another human being and such a remark should be met with zero patience!

Faerieshaman........Peace to all people of good faith......


Blogger Re-awakened Shaman said...

I agree with you! But progressive liberal Christians are called to account and take responsibilty by risking the ire of the conservative christians by openly rejecting the fundamentalist line.

in fact, if a Christian minister or R.C. priest said the same thing, the reaction of the community would be stronger......

but then maybe my sense of things are a little skewed by my own experience.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Re-awakened Shaman said...

I agree with you! But progressive liberal Christians are called to account and take responsibilty by risking the ire of the conservative christians by openly rejecting the fundamentalist line.

in fact, if a Christian minister or R.C. priest said the same thing, the reaction of the community would be stronger......

but then maybe my sense of things are a little skewed by my own experience.

5:26 PM  

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