The Power of a Gay Man
Gay men find their own personal power through the process "of coming out." Coming out is an act of hope!
We are attracted by the "archtypal masculine." This is the male Eros, the archytype, through which we come to a better and more exact understanding of masculinity than our straight brothers. Our straight brothers are taught to disparage theri feminine attributes rather than integrate them! (Gay Soul, 212)
Gay sexuality is the shadow of heterosexual masculinity, which attempts to contain this fearsome male Eros by projecting it onto gay men rather than owning it as their own." ( Gay Soul, 212)
We, gay men, integrate the "two masculinities"and as we do our peronal work to understand ourselves we come to enlightenment by "living the expereince of being gay."
Our Salvation does not come from outside ourselves but by owning our bodies and owning our embodiment.
I was touched by some of these reflections mentioned in my reading of the book "Gay Soul," ed. by Mark Thompson.
The key point, I believe, is in our institutional and organized religions salvation comes from outside ourselves! I have experienced a great deal of healing just by being in my body and feeling my own embodiment. It is not that I don't enjoy being in my head and exercising my intellect, but I am convinced that through sex and pain, I come to a better and more complete understanding of my soul, spirit and life.
Sex is sacred and I believe this is why the major religions wish to contain it and make it taboo; it is threatening to the culture and to the religious structures if all of a sudden everyone awake to their own personal and authentic power by practicing sacred sex! In fact, sex along with consciousness work brings fulfillent, contentment and healing! In Gay Soul, a point made is that homophobia is not nearly so dangerous as sexophobia. Sexophobia relegates sex to the shadows, to the place of "what should not be talked about."
Last night, I was watching the late evening news on CTV. The news reported a new safer sex campaign directed by British Columbia Persons with AIDS, included in the report it mentioned a booklet called "SEX NOW." The booklet is directed at younger gay men , who are putting themselves at risk! Mi-Jung Lee, the news anchor, interjected "the book is not for everyone because of the graphic depictions" If this is not sexophobia, I don't know what is! "Everyone should read the booklet to support the education of our young people!
Blessed Be.......faerieshaman
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