The Conservative Affront to Canada!
I am angry!
The Conservatives and the Bloc Quebecois have put together some amendments that must be made before the Speech from the Throne is received and passed in the House. These amendments are greivous in so far as they affect the power of the Federal Government in fiscal powers. Canada's constitution (British North Americal Act 1867) sets out the fiscal division of powers between the provinces and the federal government in the confederation. Our Constitution is unique in that respect!
If the Speech from the Throne passes with the amendments it effectively hands the Bloc Quebecois the dissolution of the Country. John Reynolds can say, the amendments are not threatening to the governments capacity to govern, but that is mere short sightedness on his part nad an obvious power grab by Stephen Harper to become Prime Minister! In other words, Harper is willing to gamble the store away, just so he can say he is the owner. What good is that!
This is Harper's "firewall mentality" showing itself in practice. Let's destroy the country in order for me to be Prime Minister! I am so angry at the partisanship politics, this man and his minions are playing. He is putting the integrity of Canada at risk and the Conservative party is so stupid it can't even see it!
Is this machination being perpetrated solely because of the same-sex marriage issue? I can see how the beginning of the hearings at the Supreme Court may be inflaming the narrowness of Randy White and his ilk in the Conservative Party. Ia Harper more fearful of gay marriage than he is of the break up of Canada?
The vote will take place 3:30 PDT,so tune in to CBC Newsworld and watch what may be a historical vote. Ultimately, Mr Harper may be asked by the Governor general to try to form a government and we will get a chance to see how a man with limited vision can govern a pluralistic and inherently liberal society. Harper will have time to prove his inability and unworthiness to be Prime Minister and the Head of the Canadian Government! To those who detest our Queen and Governor General, it is thanks to the functionsing of these offfices that our country may not be totally lost. If Harper takes office as Prime Minister and fails, the Governor General will dissolve Parliament and we will get a chance to vote again. Voter anger will not support the Conservative Party of Canada and neither will voter support go the the Bloc Quebecois in Quebec. They have made a wager that plays with the very identity and structure of our great nation!
My best bet is a land slide for the Liberals with a generous portion going to the New Democrats who have been stigmatized by the Conservatives and Bloc in their machiavellian putzsh!
As much as Harper claims the tradtion of Sir John A. MacDonald, he is de-constructing Canadian History and assuming we are all ignorant. Sir John A. held a liberal-conservative alliance with Georges Etiennes-Cartier and that is a far cry from Stephen Harper and Gilles Duceppe believe me!
I am a Proud Canadian and detest the political chicanery. Treason is still on the law books..........
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