Sunday, October 03, 2004

Gay Guys and their Grandmothers

Over the last few days, I observed several of my friends as they re-called their grandmothers. I felt my heart strangely warm as the discussion(s) continued and I realized how this attachment might be a commonality shared by my community. This may be one of the facets upon which the denigration of the feminine might not hold sway. The experience of our Grandmothers may be the proof, of the power of love to balance the masculine tendency to devolve into the power of aggressive competition. What memories do you have of your grandmother? One of my friends used the term "unconditional love" in his description of his grandmother's love for him.

What have we been missing in our lives as "the grandmothers" disappeared" into nursing homes? Several years ago people spoke about the generation gap and I wonder if this is still a current experience or as the baby boomers are getting older are we so seperated from communities that the generation gap is not noticed anymore? Is it another method, we have used to push the feminine to a lesser status, making it slip further out of our cultural awareness?

My friends, faeries all, have decided we would take an evening to honour our grandmothers! We would through articles, momentos and stories magically invite our grandmothers to be present witht us for an evening. We decided a fitting time would be November 11. It is not only a propitious time as the moon rises to a new moon, but on a day when others remember the destructive to wage war and make victims; we will remember our grandmothers.

May you remember a loving grandmother.......or mother.....and be Blessed!


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