Troubling Times Indeed
These are troublingn times indeed. The CBC lock-out strike continues, Bill Graham, our Minister of Defence is reported to be on the verge of a cross country tour to tell us we are about to lose soldiers in Afghanistan.
I caught myself yesterday thinking of Miss Irene Macaulay who was my next door neighbour in my childhood. She was adamant that the Canadian Ensign should remain the flag of Canada because our soldiers had shed their blood for it in two world wars. She did allow that for Pearson's rag to have any meaning at all it would have to have some history and some blood shed for it. She had a right to say these things, after all, her father had voted for Sir John A. MacDonald!
Now 40 years later, we have had soldiers serve and die under the Maple Leaf Flag. Our CBC has faithfully given us news reports, investigative reports, barbed political comedy and documentaries that have been different and braver than those aired in the corporate media. Our Prime Minister, Paul Martin has said, the investiture of our new Governor General may be in jeopardy because neither he nor Ms. Jean will cross [CBC] picket lines. Ms. Jean has been an employee of Radio Canada and so her unwilingness to cross the picket line is even more relevant. The date of her investiture was suppose to have been September 27th.
I believe it is time to recognize the importance of the CBC to our national ethos and tell the PM to get off his duff and tell Mr. Rabinovitch at the CBC to start making a deal, so when our soldiers do their duty and give their lives CBC will be reporting. There are more important issues than those keeping our news service from the air waves!
oh and....long may it wave our boast and pride, the Maple Leaf Forever!
But I am only the faerieshaman.
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