Friday, September 23, 2005

Onward Christian Soldiers.........

Has anyone noticed the inconsistencies in the "dominant" institutions that influence our lives. The Roman Catholic church has announced a policy and a strategy to weed out gay men from the seminaries. Forget the idea that G-d may call a gay man to the priesthood. The homophobic men who run the church know G-d so well that neither women nor gay men need consider being a priest. Meanwhile back at the Vatican, His Holiness, the Fuhrer Papa is refusing to co-operate in the search and arrest of a man charged with war crimes.

Then there is the pentagon, the collective embodiement of the religious fuhrer in a temple dedicated to the G-d Mars and the glory of imperial war to uphold the Pax Americana. Here homophobia reigns supreme and in tandem with the church universal. A policy is now in place discontinuing the "don't ask, don't tell" of dealing with gays in the military which has discharged some from even exercising a misguided but nonetheless genuine will to serve the country. Now a such discharges will cease due to the fact that the numbers are needed in Iraq and the country really does need its gay soldiers! Any self respecting gay person inthe American miltitary must feel like cannon fodder at this moment.

Here is the clincher!

It reminds me of the proverb, "just because you are paranoid, it doesn't mean people aren't out to get you!" So yes, the U.S. is not executing their Gay population like in Iran. (see

But the institutions that predominate in life in the United States, church and state are working together to say, "if you are gay then you had better be invisible or at the most be willing to die for us when we deem you necessary and useful."

Come to think of it, the inconsistencies work for both the military and the Roman Catholic Church. One operates on the premise that human life is expendable in the service of the nation regardless of the justification of the cause and the latter, the church preaches love for those who are willing to conform and anathema to those who are wanting to be themselves; gay people who have a faith in that tradition of the Christian church.

the faerieshaman....says......"the success of gay marriage in Canada is such a crumb compared to the vocal opposition of men like Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Preston Manning and the conservative churches in Canada. I hope the reality south of the 49th parallel is enough to stop us from becoming too complacent because there but for the grace of Canada go us!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow liked your site.
Mine site is more news site.
How do you link to other people's site anyways???

5:07 PM  

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