Wednesday, September 29, 2004

It has always troubled me when I would hear someone say, "everything is an illusion." I , now, can accept this statement with some reservation. Namely, I believe we create our own realities through our consciousness and (sub) unconsciousness. I believe this is a premise which is both liberating and allows for creative potential for our lives and for our society.

After all, if we create our own realities, then as a society or culture we can create another reality together. What does this mean in practical terms for the gay / lesbian / bi/ trans/ queer/ straight communities?

Andrew Harvey, one of our current gay mystics, asserts, " I don't think of this creation as an illusion. For me, it is a theophany.....from the Greek word 'theophania,' meaning a 'showing forth of G-d'." ( Gay Soul, 53)

I believe this statement, understanding G-d to be beyond our illusions and perceived realities.

G-d is in the sacredness of living in the celebration of our bodies through erotic touch and ecstatic union. G-d is greater than the creation, but the G-dself is the energy expressed through the creation!

I know when I am in union with beloved Archangel (my partner); when my beloved and I are joined every chakra in my body resonates.


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