Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Gay Men and Sex Talk

I have just finished my fifth round with a specified book and a group of men who really loved to connect over ideas. For me, it was a tremendous experience to connect with others and share our histories of what it meant for us to be gay men.

Last Saturday, we gathered to select another book. We selected through a group process the book, Dancing Around the Volcano, Freeing our Erotic Lives: Decoding the Enigma of Gay Men and Sex; by Guy Kettelhack. So the new group starts on April 12th at Gayway and for six weeks, we do what comes naturally.....we talk about the way we have sex and / or the way we would like to have sex. This seems a fitting step since we have talked about our individual experiences on "coming in" to our own identities as Gay men and our subsequent discovery and engagement with "the gay community/ culture."

Over the last few days, I have become very excited over a planned "camping trip" at Shadow falls. Several Vancouver Radical Faeries expressed a desire to camp at our local gay camp ground. Since discovering my faerie self, I have created a space where I may act out of heart and be playful! This space and group energy has given me an arena where I may experiment with the ideas talked about in my book discussion groups. I live in a wonderful world and "as a spirit having a human experience," I look forward to "living into my experience" of this life with more consciousness as I grapple with what ever life may have in store for me.

I am convinced, no matter what happens to disapppoint me, life is the final word! All the pains and sorrows that the media exploits and the machinations of fear and dissension that politicians use do not give the final word on what it means to be alive! My hope is all the men I come into contact with may through our shared time and discussion become aware of the inner journey that is available to all of us. The experience of being gay in these times may not be important to us alone, but it may be necessary for the survival of the planet. In the Healing Wisdom of Africa : Finding Life Purpose Through Nature, Ritual, and Community by Malidoma Patrice Some; the role, our role as the ecstatic gatekeepers is explained!

So there is great work to be done brothers and sisters; let us love ourselves into the grand purpose before us. Play, have sex, connect with our brothers because there is great power in becoming aware of our own identity and finding those who share not only the gift of cum and sweat with us, but the will to create intimate and local community with its web reaching into the global village.

Love to you, my brothers.....



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